Каталог стандартов

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IEC 61249-2-10:2003 ed1.0

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-10: Reinforced base materials clad and unclad - Cyanate ester, brominated epoxide, modified or unmodified, woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad — 45 стр.
Gives requirements for properties of cyanate ester, brominated epoxide modified or unmodified woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability, copper-clad, in thicknesses of 0,05 mm to 3,2 mm. The flammability rating is achieved through the use of brominated fire retardants contained as an integral part of the epoxide polymeric structure.
31.180 Printed circuits and boards / Печатные схемы и платы