Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-42: Tests - Static side load for connectors— 17 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-42: Tests - Static side load for strain relief— 17 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-42: Tests - Static side load for strain relief— 17 стр.
Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type 4/8 channel CWDM module terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 single mode fibre— 26 стр.
Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type 100/200 GHz DWDM module terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 single mode fibre— 24 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U— 38 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U— 40 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LSH-PC terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category C— 40 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LSH-HR simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category C— 40 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, composite ferrule category U— 40 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, composite ferrule category U— 42 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, composite ferrule category C— 35 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, composite ferrule category C— 38 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category U— 42 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category U— 42 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LSH-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category C— 40 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LSH-APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category C— 40 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. LC-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre with full zirconia ferrule for category C— 44 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. SC-RJ single mode terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, category U— 38 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type SC-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U— 38 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type SC/APC simplex 8$0D terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 of types B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U— 38 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type SG terminated on IEC 60793-2-10 category A1a, A1b or equivalent multimode fibre for category C— 30 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. FC/APC 8 terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule, category C— 42 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LF3 APC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre with titanium composite ferrule for category C— 40 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type MPO with 12-fibre PPS ferrules terminated on IEC 60793-2 category A1a multimode fibre for 50/125 micron multimode fibre— 38 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LX.5-APC DUPLEX terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U— 44 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type LX.5-PC DUPLEX terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category U— 44 стр.
Connectors sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. MU/APC singlemode terminated on IEC 60793-2 category B1 fibre— 36 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Type MU-PC simplex terminated on IEC 60793-2-50 category B1.1 and B1.3 singlemode fibre, with full zirconia ferrule category C— 36 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Performance standards. Simplex and duplex cords with singlemode fibre and cylindrical ferrule connectors for category C. Controlled environment— 30 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Cords with IEC 60793-2-50 singlemode category B1.1 and B1.3 fibre for category C— 20 стр.
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Simplex and duplex cords made from simplex plugs with cylindrical ferrules, using EN 60793 2 50 single-mode B1 or B6 fibre for Category C according to EN 61753-1— 20 стр.
Connectors for electronic equipment. Product requirements. Detail specification for circular hybrid connectors M12 with electrical and fibre-optic contacts with screw locking— 38 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Performance standard. Simplex and duplex cords with single-mode fibre and cylindrical ferrule connectors for category U. Uncontrolled environment— 26 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard. Fibre management systems for category U. Uncontrolled environment— 60 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard. Fibre management systems for category C. Controlled environment— 30 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Performance standard. Non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic LAN WDM devices with channel spacing of 800 GHz for category C. Controlled environments— 28 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Performance standard. Non-connectorised single-mode fibre optic 1 x 2 and 2 x 2 spatial switches for category C. Controlled environments— 18 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Performance standard. Single mode fibre pigtailed style optical power limiter for category C. Controlled environment— 24 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 1: General and guidance for performance standards (IEC 61753-1:2007); German version EN 61753-1:2007— 42 стр.
Dynamic modules - Part 3-3: Performance specification templates - Wavelength selective switches (IEC 62343-3-3:2014); German version EN 62343-3-3:2014— 24 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 061-2: Non-connectorized single-mode fibre optic pigtailed isolators for category C - Controlled environment (IEC 61753-061-2:2012); German version EN 61753-061-2:2012— 15 стр.
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-42: Tests - Static side load for connectors— 7 стр.