Каталог стандартов

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IEC 61340-4-7:2010 ed1.0

Electrostatics - Part 4-7: Standard test methods for specific applications - Ionization — 62 стр.
IEC 61340-4-7:2010 provides test methods and procedures for evaluating and selecting air ionization equipment and systems (ionizers). This standard establishes measurement techniques, under specified conditions, to determine offset voltage (ion balance) and discharge (charge neutralization) time for ionizers. This standard does not include measurements of electromagnetic interference (EMI), or uses of ionizers in connection with ordnance, flammables, explosive items or electrically initiated explosive devices.
29.020 Electrical. Including voltages, general electrical terminology, electrical documentation, electrical tables, safety, fire hazard testing, etc. / Электротехника в целом. Включая напряжение, общую терминологию, электротехническую документацию, электрические таблицы, безопасность, испытания на пожароопасность и т.д.
17.200.99 Other standards related to thermodynamics / Термодинамика, прочие аспекты