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IEC 61360-6:2016 ed1.0

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 6: IEC Common Data Dictionary (IEC CDD) quality guidelines — 82 стр.
IEC 61360-6:2016 provides guidance for the definition of concepts that are used to describe classes and properties submitted for update of the content of IEC Common Data Dictionary (IEC CDD). This includes:
- a basic understanding of key concepts and procedures used within IEC CDD;
- a binding reference for quality control of IEC 61360 compliant dictionary content;
- guidance on documents where necessary in-depth knowledge can be acquired.

IEC 61360-4, IEC reference collection of standard data element types and component classes, can be accessed from IEC CDD (Common Data Dictionary) Free access to Database. The database contains the IEC reference collection of classes and associated characteristic properties (data element types or DETs) of electric/electronic components including materials, geometry and features used in electrotechnical equipment and systems. The dictionary and database follow the methodology of Part 1 of IEC 61360 and the information model of Part 2. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
01.110 Technical. Including rules for preparation of user guides, manuals, product specifications, etc. / Техническая документация на продукцию. Включая правила разработки руководств для пользователей, справочников, спецификаций продукции и т.д.
31.020 Electronic components in general / Электронные компоненты в целом
25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control / Измерение и контроль производственного процесса