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IEC 61400-5:2020 ed1.0

Wind energy generation systems - Part 5: Wind turbine blades — 131 стр.
IEC 61400-5:2020 specifies requirements to ensure the engineering integrity of wind turbine blades as well as an appropriate level of operational safety throughout the design lifetime. It includes requirements for:
  • aerodynamic and structural design,
  • material selection, evaluation and testing,
  • manufacture (including associated quality management),
  • transportation, installation, operation and maintenance of the blades.
The purpose of this document is to provide a technical reference for designers, manufacturers, purchasers, operators, third party organizations and material suppliers, as well as to define requirements for certification.
27.180 Wind. Including generation of electrical energy / Системы ветровых турбин и другие альтернативные источники энергии. Включая выработку электроэнергии