Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c.- Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 1: General requirements— 31 стр.
Specifies the general requirements for measuring and monitoring equipment for testing the electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems with nominal voltages up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c.
29.240.01 Power transmission and distribution networks in general / Сети электропередач и распределительные сети в целом
17.220.20 Measurement. Including measuring instruments, instrument transformers / Измерения электрических и магнитных величин. Включая измерительные приборы, измерительные трансформаторы
29.080.01 Electrical insulation in general / Электрическая изоляция в целом