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IEC 61676:2002 ed1.0

Medical electrical equipment - Dosimetric instruments used for non-invasive measurement of X-ray tube voltage in diagnostic radiology — 32 стр.
Specifies the performance requirements of instruments as used in the non-invasive measurement of X-ray tube voltage up to 150 kV and the relevant compliance tests. Describes the method for calibration and gives guidance for estimating the uncertainty in measurements performed under conditions different from those during calibration. This standard is not concerned with the safety aspect of such instruments. The requirements for electrical safety applying to them are contained in IEC 61010-1.
11.040.55 Diagnostic. Including medical monitoring equipment, medical thermometers and related materials / Диагностическое оборудование. Включая медицинскую контрольную аппаратуру, медицинские термометры и связанные с ними материалы
11.040.50 Radiographic. Including radiographic diagnostic and therapy equipment / Радиографическое оборудование. Включая радиографическое диагностическое и терапевтическое оборудование