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IEC 61986:2002 ed1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Equivalent loading and super-position techniques - Indirect testing to determine temperature rise — 47 стр.
Applies to machines covered by IEC 60034-1 when they cannot be loaded to a specific condition (rated or otherwise) for whatever reason. It is applicable to both motors and generators but the methods are not suitable for machines of and below 1 kW. Provides descriptions of various indirect load tests, the purpose of which is to determine the temperature rise of rotating electrical machines, including a.c. induction machines, a.c. synchronous machines and d.c. machines. The test methods in some cases provide, in addition, a means of measuring or estimating other parameters such as losses and vibration, but the methods are not designed specifically to provide such data.
29.160.01 Rotating machinery in general / Машины вращающиеся в целом