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IEC 62056-8-5:2017 ed1.0

Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS/COSEM suite - Part 8-5: Narrow-band OFDM G3-PLC communication profile for neighbourhood networks — 31 стр.
IEC 62056-8-5:2017(E) specifies the IEC 62056 DLMS/COSEM communication profile for metering purposes based on the Recommendations ITU-T G.9901: Narrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers - Power spectral density specification and ITU-T G.9903:2014, Narrowband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing power line communication transceivers for G3-PLC networks, an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Power Line Communications (PLC) protocol.
35.110 Networking. Including local area networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks (MAN), wide area networks (WAN), etc. / Организация сети
17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements / Электричество. Магнетизм. Электрические и магнитные измерения
91.140.50 Electricity. Including electric energy meters in buildings, emergency electrical supplies, etc. / Системы электроснабжения. Включая аварийное электроснабжение и т.д.