Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-4: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Shielded screening attenuation, test method for measuring of the screening attenuation as up to and above 3 GHz— 16 стр.
Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-4: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Test method for measuring of the screening attenuation as up to and above 3 GHz, triaxial method— 19 стр.
Metallic communication cable test methods - Part 4-4: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Test method for measuring of the screening attenuation as up to and above 3 GHz, triaxial method— 19 стр.
Metallic communication cable test methods. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Extension of the frequency range to higher frequencies for transfer impedance and to lower frequencies for screening attenuation measurements using the triaxial set-up— 20 стр.
Metallic Communication Cable test methods. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Test method for measuring transfer impedance and screening attenuation or coupling attenuation with triaxial cell— 42 стр.
Metallic communication cable test methods. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Test method for measuring of transfer impedance Z$dT and screening attenuation a$ds or coupling attenuation a$dc of connectors and assemblies up to and above 3 GHz. Triaxial tube in tube method— 46 стр.
Metallic communication cable test methods. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Test method for measuring of transfer impedance Z$dT and screening attenuation a$ds or coupling attenuation a$dc of connectors and assemblies up to and above 3 GHz. Triaxial tube in tube method— 48 стр.
Metallic communication cable test methods. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Transfer impedance and screening attenuation of feed-throughs and electromagnetic gaskets. Double coaxial test method— 30 стр.