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IEC 62271-211:2014 ed1.0

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 211: Direct connection between power transformers and gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV — 42 стр.
IEC 62271-211:2014 is applicable to single and three phase direct connections between gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear (GIS) for rated voltages above 52 kV and transformer arrangements to establish electrical and mechanical interchange ability and to determine the limits of supply of for the transformer connection. This first edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC TR 61639:1996 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) transfer from technical report to international standard;
b) the minimum voltage rating was changed from 72,5 kV to above 52 kV;
c) update of normative references;
d) definition of insulated junction including limit of supply;
e) definition of dielectric test of gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for transformer connection in a three phase enclosure;
f) addition of interface tolerances at transformer side;
g) addition of transformer tolerances in service;
h) addition of exceptional loads for bushings and flanges;
i) consideration of oil- and gas-insulated transformers;
j) inclusion of three-phase enclosed direct connections. The contents of the corrigendum 1 of August 2015 and corrigendum 2 of August 2017 have been included in this copy.
29.130.10 High. Including enclosed switchgear and controlgear / Высоковольтное оборудование, коммутационная аппаратура и аппаратура управления. Включая закрытую коммутационную аппаратуру и аппаратуру управления