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IEC 62325-301:2014 ed1.0

Framework for energy market communications - Part 301: Common information model (CIM) extensions for markets — 760 стр.
IEC 62325-301:2014 specifies the common information model for energy market communications. The common information model (CIM) is an abstract model that represents all the major objects in an electric utility enterprise typically involved in utility operations and electricity market management. By providing a standard way of representing power system resources as object classes and attributes, along with their relationships, the CIM facilitates the integration of market management system (MMS) applications developed independently by different vendors, between entire MMS systems developed independently, or between an MMS system and other systems concerned with different aspects of market management, such as capacity allocation, day-ahead management, balancing, settlement, etc.
33.200 Telecontrol. Including Supervising, Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) / Телемеханика. Телеметрия. Включая систему диспетчерского управления и сбора данных (SCADA)