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IEC 62680-1-1:2015 ed1.0

Universal serial bus interfaces for data and power - Part 1-1: Common components - USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2 — 63 стр.
IEC 62680-1-1:2015(E) contains specifications that define limits as well as detection, control and reporting mechanisms to permit devices to draw current in excess of the USB 2.0 specification for charging and/or powering up from dedicated chargers, hosts, hubs and charging downstream ports. These mechanisms are backward compatible with USB 2.0 compliant hosts and peripherals.
29.200 Rectifiers. Including semiconductor converters / Выпрямители. Преобразователи. Стабилизированные источники питания. Включая полупроводниковые преобразователи
33.120.20 Wires and symmetrical cables / Провода и симметричные кабели
35.200 Interface and interconnection equipment / Интерфейсы и межсоединительные устройства