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IEC 62680-2-2:2015 ed1.0

Universal serial bus interfaces for data and power - Part 2-2: Micro-USB Cables and Connectors Specification, Revision 1.01 — 47 стр.
IEC 62680-2-2:2015(E) defines the requirements and features of a Micro-USB connector that will meet the current and future needs of the Cell Phone and Portable Devices markets, while conforming to the USB 2.0 specification for performance, physical size and shape of the Micro-USB interconnect.
29.200 Rectifiers. Including semiconductor converters / Выпрямители. Преобразователи. Стабилизированные источники питания. Включая полупроводниковые преобразователи
33.120.20 Wires and symmetrical cables / Провода и симметричные кабели
35.200 Interface and interconnection equipment / Интерфейсы и межсоединительные устройства