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IEC 62709:2014 ed1.0

Radiation protection instrumentation - Security screening of humans - Measuring the imaging performance of X-ray systems — 79 стр.
IEC 62709:2014 provides standard methods of measuring and reporting imaging quality characteristics that enable system manufacturers, potential system users and other interested parties to:
- establish a consistent indicator of the expected technical performance of screening systems used for the inspection of individuals;
- provide repeatable and verifiable imaging performance data that can be used to compare systems from different vendors;
- establish a baseline that can be used over time to calibrate the system or detect any performance degradation;
- establish minimum acceptable performance requirements for the systems described above.
13.280 Radiation. Including protection against radio-frequency radiation / Защита от радиационного излучения. Включая защиту от радиочастотного излучения