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IEC TR 62396-7:2017 ed1.0

Process management for avionics - Atmospheric radiation effects - Part 7: Management of single event effects (SEE) analysis process in avionics design — 18 стр.
IEC TR 62396-7:2017 is a technical report which describes a process to account for the effects of atmospheric radiation on electronic equipment. Single event effects (SEE) due to atmospheric radiation are one class of possible failure mechanisms that are addressed in the safety and reliability analyses of electronic equipment and associated functions. This document focuses on electronic components, electronic equipment and associated electronic functions. System level analysis is not addressed in this document. This document is intended to describe an approach to accounting for SEE in electronic equipment design, design review, and it can provide aid in the aerospace certification process.
49.060 Aerospace. Including Avionics / Авиационно-космическое электрооборудование и системы
03.100.50 Production. Production management / Производство. Управление производством
31.020 Electronic components in general / Электронные компоненты в целом