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IEC TR 62474-1:2015 ed1.0

Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry - Part 1: Guidance for the implementation of IEC 62474 — 72 стр.
IEC 62474-1:2015(E) specifies the procedure, content, and form relating to material declarations for products of companies operating in and supplying the electrotechnical industry. It illustrates the flexibility and functionality of IEC 62474 using examples, supports organizations that create software to exchange substance and material data, supports users that submit and receive material declarations and is designed to support consistent implementation of IEC 62474. Clause 3 summarizes industry needs for material information and business benefits related to IEC 62474. Clause 4 provides case studies that describe the functionality of IEC 62474. Clause 5 provides detailed representations and XML files for the material declaration case studies included in Clause 4.
01.110 Technical. Including rules for preparation of user guides, manuals, product specifications, etc. / Техническая документация на продукцию. Включая правила разработки руководств для пользователей, справочников, спецификаций продукции и т.д.
29.100.01 Components for electrical equipment in general / Компоненты электрооборудования в целом
13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general / Окружающая среда и охрана окружающей среды в целом