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IEC TR 62513:2008 ed1.0

Safety of machinery - Guidelines for the use of communication systems in safety-related applications — 57 стр.
It addresses the application of closed serial digital communications systems (often termed fieldbuses) used for transmission of safety-related data in the realisation of safety functions at machinery. It offers guidance on the issues that need to be considered during the specification, system design, installation, commissioning, modification and maintenance of such applications. It assumes that the SRECS safety requirements specification (SRS) has been developed and the design of the SRECS (Safety-Related Electrical Control Systems) is intended to include a safety-related communication system. This Technical Report is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 62061.
29.020 Electrical. Including voltages, general electrical terminology, electrical documentation, electrical tables, safety, fire hazard testing, etc. / Электротехника в целом. Включая напряжение, общую терминологию, электротехническую документацию, электрические таблицы, безопасность, испытания на пожароопасность и т.д.
35.100.05 Multilayer. Including International Standardized Profiles / Многоуровневые прикладные системы. Включая международные стандартизованные профили
13.110 Safety of machinery / Безопасность механизмов