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IEC TR 62746-2:2015 ed1.0

Systems interface between customer energy management system and the power management system - Part 2: Use cases and requirements — 350 стр.
IEC TR 62746-2:2015(EN) describes the main pillars of interoperability to assist different Technical Committees in defining their interfaces and messages covering the whole chain between a smart grid and smart home/building/industrial area. The main topics covered by this technical report are: architecture model from a logical point of view; set of user stories describing a number of situations related to energy flexibility and demand side management; set of use cases based on the user stories and architecture; details of the communication; identified in the use cases, by describing the requirements for messages and information to be exchanged.
33.200 Telecontrol. Including Supervising, Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) / Телемеханика. Телеметрия. Включая систему диспетчерского управления и сбора данных (SCADA)