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IEC TS 60479-1:1994 ed3.0

Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 1: General aspects — 66 стр.
This technical report has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. Provides guidance on the effects of shock currents on human beings and livestock, for use in the establishment of electrical safety requirements. Summarizes results so far achieved which are being used by TC64 as a basis for fixing requirements for protection against shock. May also serve as a guide to other IEC committees and countries having need of such information
29.020 Electrical. Including voltages, general electrical terminology, electrical documentation, electrical tables, safety, fire hazard testing, etc. / Электротехника в целом. Включая напряжение, общую терминологию, электротехническую документацию, электрические таблицы, безопасность, испытания на пожароопасность и т.д.
13.200 Accident. Including emergency evacuations and emergency control systems / Борьба с несчастными случаями и катастрофами. Включая аварийную эвакуацию и системы аварийного управления