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IEC TS 61158-5:1999 ed1.0

Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Part 5: Application Layer Service definition — 252 стр.
Specified in conformance with the OSI Basic Reference Model (ISO/IEC 7498) and the OSI Application Layer Structure (ISO/IEC 9545). Specifies interactions between remote applications in terms of - an abstract model for defining application resources capable of being manipulated by users via the use of FAL Services; - the primitives associated with each FAL Service; - the parameters associated with each primitive; - the interrelationship between and the valid sequences of the primitives for each service.
35.100.70 Application layer / Прикладной уровень
25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control / Измерение и контроль производственного процесса