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IEC TS 62056-51:1998 ed1.0

Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control - Part 51: Application layer protocols — 69 стр.
Describes an architectured application layer used for communication with metering equipment. The associated physical medium and lower layer protocols in a collapsed three-layer model are unspecified. The DLMS protocol is covered by IEC 61334-4-41. This is a Technical Report type 2.
91.140.50 Electricity. Including electric energy meters in buildings, emergency electrical supplies, etc. / Системы электроснабжения. Включая аварийное электроснабжение и т.д.
33.200 Telecontrol. Including Supervising, Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) / Телемеханика. Телеметрия. Включая систему диспетчерского управления и сбора данных (SCADA)