Conformity assessment. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems. Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems— 20 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad Polymide, modified or unmodified, woven E-glass prepeg of defined flammability— 16 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad. Multifunctional expoxide woven E-glass prepeg of defined flammability— 16 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards). High performance non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly— 16 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards). High performance epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly— 16 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards). Epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability— 16 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. High performance, non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly— 28 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. High performance epoxide and non-epoxide, woven E-glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad for lead-free assembly— 28 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. Non-halogenated epoxide modified cyanate ester woven glass laminate of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad— 26 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Reinforced base materials clad and unclad. Bismaleimide/triazine modified with non-halogenated epoxide woven glass laminate sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad— 26 стр.
Primary packaging materials for medicinal products. Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008, with reference to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)— 76 стр.
Sterilization of health care products. Radiation. Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices— 52 стр.
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-19: Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - High performance non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly (IEC 61249-4-19:2013) (english version)
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-18: Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - High performance epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly (IEC 61249-4-18:2013) (english version)