Test conditions for surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table. Testing of the accuracy. Machines with a table length of up to 1600mm— 24 стр.
Machine tools. Test conditions for surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table. Testing of the accuracy— 24 стр.
Machine tools. Test conditions for testing the accuracy of boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle. Machines with movable column and fixed table— 62 стр.
Machine tools. Dimensions and geometric tests for self-centring chucks with two-piece jaws. Power-operated chucks with tongue and groove type jaws— 18 стр.
Machine tools. Dimensions and geometric tests for self-centring chucks with two-piece jaws. Manually operated chucks with tongue and groove type jaws— 18 стр.
Test conditions for manually controlled milling machines with table of fixed height. Testing of the accuracy. Machines with horizontal spindle— 30 стр.
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres. Evaluation of contouring performance in the coordinate planes— 12 стр.
Test conditions for numeriaclly controlled turning machines and turning centres. Geometric tests for machines with a horizontal workholding spindle— 44 стр.
Machine tools. Test conditions for testing the accuracy of boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle. Machines with movable column and movable table— 62 стр.
Machine tools. Test conditions for testing the accuracy of boring and milling machines with horizontal spindle. Machines with fixed column and movable table— 60 стр.
Test conditions for high accuracy turret and single spindle coordinate drilling and boring machines with table of fixed height with vertical spindle. Testing of the accuracy. Portal type machines with moving table— 24 стр.
Test conditions for high accuracy turret and single spindle coordinate drilling and boring machines with table of fixed height with vertical spindle. Testing of the accuracy. Single column type machines— 24 стр.
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres. Geometric tests for machines with inverted vertical workholding spindles— 44 стр.
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres. Geometric tests for machines with a vertical workholding spindle— 48 стр.
Test conditions for machining centres. Geometric tests for machines with vertical spindle or universal heads with vertical primary rotary axis (vertical Z-axis)— 50 стр.
Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres. Accuracy and repeatability of positioning of linear and rotary axes— 14 стр.