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ÖNORM CEN ISO/TS 17261:2005-08

Intelligent transport systems - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Intermodal good transport architecture and terminology (ISO/TS 17261:2005)
Equipment identification (AVI/AEI) and supporting services in an intermodal/multimodal environment.
This Technical Specification presents a high level view of AEI intermodal and multimodal system Architecture.
The Technical Specification describes the key sub systems, their associated interfaces and interactions and
how they fit into System wide functions such as Management, Security and Information Flow.
The Architecture is product independent, e.g. individual modules within sub systems e.g. the data tag module
within the data capture sub system will be described in terms of system parameters not in terms of a defined
or named product specification.
The Technical Specification identifies the context of intermodal/multimodal AEI within the overall AVI/AEI
context and key external inter-dependencies and interfaces to the intermodal/multimodal Sector IT
infrastructure. These include interfaces to the external and internal users of the Intermodal/multimodal System
services and their associated IT systems, interfaces to Intermodal/multimodal management systems, existing
Intermodal/multimodal networks and System Operations, and specifically interfaces to item identification and
the domain of ISO/IEC SC 31, item logistics Standards. As an architecture it is designed to be complementary
and interlocking to that domain.
This Technical Specification relates to AVI/AEI units, but not to smaller containers and items being transported.
Whilst the architecture described within this Technical Specification shows the inter-relationship to the item
identification domain (see Annex A), for smaller items (pallet loads, trays, parcels etc.), Standardization will be
undertaken by ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 31. Supporting Standards developed by ISO/TC 204 will be limited to
vehicle, trailer and AVI/AEI unit identification, whereas ISO/SC 31 Standards will work from units of pallet (and
equivalent) size down to item level.
This (...abbreviated)
03.220.01 Transport in general / Транспорт в целом
35.240.60 IT applications in transport and trade. Including EDIFACT and e-commerce / Применение информационных технологий на транспорте и в торговле. Включая ЭДИФАКТ и электронную коммерцию