Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Factory made extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) products - Specification; German version EN 14307:2009— 41 стр.
Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Factory made products of expanded polystyrene (EPS) - Specification; German version EN 14309:2009— 52 стр.
Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) - Specification; German version EN 13164:2008— 47 стр.
Thermal insulation and light weight fill products for civil engineering applications - Factory made products of expanded polystyrene (EPS) - Specification
Design and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed steel tanks for the storage of refigerated, liquefied gases with operating temperatures between 0 °C and -165 °C - Part 4: Insulation components
Thermal insulation and light weight fill products for civil engineering applications - Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) - Specification