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ÖNORM EN 12195-3:2001-11

Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles - Safety - Part 3: Lashing chains
This Part of EN 12195 specifies safety requirements for lashing chains and lashing combinations with chain for the
safe surface transport of goods on load carriers, e.g. trucks and trailers which are used on roads or located on vessels
or on rail waggons and/or combinations thereof. The standard includes only tensioning devices to be hand driven with
a maximum handforce of 500 N. It does not give requirements for multi-purpose lever blocks other than to the type of
fine tolerance chain and the additional marking of the maximum hand-operating force .
This Part of EN 12195 deals with hazards which could occur when lashing chains are in use as intended and under
conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see clause 4 and Annex A).
Die Sicherheitsanforderungen für Zurrketten der Güteklassen 8 und T zur Ladungssicherung auf Transportmitteln und deren Spannungselemente sind festgelegt. Insbesondere werden die mechanischen Eigenschaften und die durchzuführenden Prüfungen beschrieben sowie die Kennzeichnung der Zurrketten und die Herstellerbescheinigung geregelt. Ergänzt wird dies durch eine Anleitung zur Benutzung und Pflege der Zurrketten.
55.180.99 Other. Including intermediate bulk containers / Размещение грузов для перевозок, прочие аспекты. Включая контейнер средней грузоподъёмности для насыпных грузов
53.080 Storage. Including loading devices, shelves, etc. / Оборудование для хранения. Включая загрузочные устройства, полки и т.д.