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ÖNORM EN 13067:2006-03

Plastics welding personnel - Qualification testing of welders - Thermoplastics welded assemblies
This standard specifies the method of testing the knowledge and skill of a welder who is required to carry out
welds on thermoplastics in new constructions and repair work.
The skill examination of a welder is an essential condition for the assurance of the quality of the welding work.
The application of this standard guarantees that the examination is carried out according to a uniform test
The standard applies when the contractor or the authorities responsible for the application require it. Gas and
water utility network industries with alternative qualification programmes are excluded from this standard.
This standard applies to the following welding processes:
hot gas welding: round nozzle, high speed nozzle, wedge;
extrusion welding;
heated tool welding: butt, saddle, socket, wedge;
electrofusion welding: socket, saddle.
This standard applies to the welding of the following products:
lining membrane.
This standard covers the welding of the following groups of materials:
for sheets, pipes and fittings:
group 1: PVC (it includes all kinds of PVC-U and ABS and PC);
group 2: PP (it includes all kinds of PP);
group 3: PE (it includes all kinds of PE, PB);
group 4: PVDF;
EN 13067:2003 (E)
group 5: ECTFE or PFA or FEP.
for lining membranes:
group 6: PVC-P;
group 7: PE (it includes all kinds of PE);
group 8: ECB.
Diese Norm bildet Grundlagen für die Anerkennungsprüfung von Schweißern für das Schweißen thermoplastischer Werkstoffe. Die Fähigkeit des Schweißers, mündliche oder schriftliche Anweisungen zu befolgen und die Prüfung seiner Fertigkeiten sind wichtige Faktoren für die Sicherstellung der Qualität des Schweißproduktes. Diese Norm soll die Grundlagen für die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Zulassung von Schweißern auf den verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten durch die Prüfstellen geben.
25.160.10 Welding. Including thermal cutting and cladding / Процессы сварки. Включая термическую резку