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ÖNORM EN 13428:2004-10

Packaging - Requirements specific to manufacturing and composition - Prevention by source reduction
This document specifies a procedure for assessment of packaging to ensure that the weight and/or volume of
its material content is at the minimum commensurate with the maintenance of :
functionality throughout the supply and user chain ;
safety and hygiene for both product and user/consumer ;
acceptability of the packed product to the user/consumer.
This document also specifies the methodology and procedure for determining the presence of the four heavy
metals named in article 11 of the packaging and packaging waste Directive 94/62/EC and for determining the
presence and minimisation of any dangerous substances or preparations if they are present in packaging and
are likely to be released into the environment as a result of waste management operations. The procedures
are referenced in CR 13695-1 and CEN/TR 13695-2.
NOTE The substitution of one packaging material by another is not a basis for source reduction.
This document cannot by itself provide presumption of conformity. The procedure for applying this document
is contained in EN 13427.
Diese Europäische Norm legt ein Verfahren zur Bewertung von Verpackung fest, um sicherzustellen, dass Masse und/oder Volumen ihres Materialanteils einem Minimum entsprechen und sich im Einklang mit folgenden Anforderungen befinden: - Funktionalität in der gesamten Inverkehrbringer- und Nutzerkette; - Sicherheit und Hygiene sowohl für das Produkt als auch für den Verbraucher/Nutzer; - Akzeptanz des verpackten Produkts durch den Verbraucher/Nutzer.
55.020 Packaging and distribution of goods in general / Упаковка и размещение грузов в целом
13.030.99 Other. Including waste prevention / Отходы, прочие аспекты. Включая предотвращение появления отходов