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ÖNORM EN 13437:2004-05

Packaging and material recycling - Criteria for recycling methods - Description of recycling processes and flow chart
This European Standard defines the criteria for a recycling process and describes the principal existing processes
for material recycling and their inter-relationship.
Both packaging and recovery technologies are subject to continuing and rapid development. This European
Standard describes the present stage of knowledge but may be subject to modifications in the light of new
The essential relationship between this and the five mandated European Packaging Standards and one
(mandated) CEN Report is specified in EN 13427.
Die wesentlichen derzeit vorhandenen Prozesse für die stoffliche Verwertung (Recycling) werden definiert und dargestellt und ihre Wechselwirkungen beschrieben. In Ergänzung zum allgemeinen Stoffflussdiagramm werden die spezifischen Diagramme für Verpackungen aus Aluminium, Glas, Papier und Pappe, Kunststoff, Stahl und Holz behandelt.
55.040 Packaging. Including wrappers, paper, films, foils, cords, sealing devices, cushioning, etc. / Упаковочные материалы и приспособления. Включая обертки, бумагу, пленки, фольгу, веревки, устройства для запечатывания, прокладки и т.д.
13.030.50 Recycling. Including relevant equipment / Рециклинг. Включая соответствующее оборудование