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ÖNORM EN 13725:2006-04

Air quality - Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry (consolidated version)
This European Standard specifies a method for the objective determination of the odour concentration of a
gaseous sample using dynamic olfactometry with human assessors and the emission rate of odours emanating
from point sources, area sources with outward flow and area sources without outward flow. The primary application
is to provide a common basis for evaluation of odour emissions in the member states of the European Union.
This European Standard is applicable to the measurement of odour concentration of pure substances, defined
mixtures and undefined mixtures of gaseous odorants in air or nitrogen, using dynamic olfactometry with a panel of
human assessors being the sensor. The unit of measurement is the European odour unit per cubic metre: ouE/m3.
The odour concentration is measured by determining the dilution factor required to reach the detection threshold.
The odour concentration at the detection threshold is by definition 1 ouE/m3. The odour concentration is then
expressed in terms of multiples of the detection threshold. The range of measurement is typically from 101 ouE/m3
to 107 ouE/m3 (including pre-dilution).
The field of application of this European Standard includes:
the measurement of the mass concentration at the detection threshold of pure odorous substances in g/m3;
the measurement of the odour concentration of mixtures of odorants in ouE/m3;
the measurement of the emission rate of odorous emissions from point sources and surface sources (with and
without an outward flow), including pre-dilution during sampling;
the sampling of odorants from emissions of high humidity and temperature (up to 200 °C);
the determination of effectiveness of end-of-pipe devices used to reduce odour emissions.
The characterisation of odour emissions requires detailed measurement of the gas velocity, that shall be performed
according to the relevant standards included in the normative references.
This European Standard is not applicable to:
the measurement of odours potentially released by particles of odorous solids or droplets of odorous fluids
suspended in emissions;
the measuring strategy to be applied in case of variable emission rates;
the measurement of the relationship between odour stimulus and assessor response above detection
direct measurement of hedonic tone (or (un)pleasantness) or direct assessment of potential annoyance;
field panel methods;
measurement of recognition thresholds;
EN 13725:2003 (E)
+ AC:2006 (E)
measurement of identification thresholds.
Although the ultimate application of odour measurement is in reducing odour nuisance, the relation between
measured thresholds of odour according to this standard and the occurrence of odour nuisance is highly complex.
It is profoundly influenced by the atmospheric processes determining the dispersion of odours, the quality of the
odour (hedonic tone) and finally by the receptor characteristics of those exposed to the odour. These
characteristics not only vary strongly between individuals, but also in time within one individual. The relation
between emissions, dispersion, exposure and annoyance is not within the scope of this European Standard.
Diese Europäische Norm legt ein Verfahren fest zur objektiven Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration einer gasförmigen Probe durch Anwendung der dynamischen Olfaktometrie mit Personen als Prüfern und zur Bestimmung der Emissionsströme von Geruchsstoffen aus Punktquellen, Flächenquellen mit definiertem Volumenstrom und Flächenquellen ohne definierten Volumenstrom. Das Hauptziel ist die Schaffung einer gemeinsamen Grundlage zur Bewertung von Geruchsstoffemissionen in den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union. Der Geltungsbereich dieser Norm bezieht sich auf die Messung von Geruchsstoffkonzentrationen reiner Substanzen, definierter Gemische und nicht definierter Gemische gasförmiger Geruchsstoffe in Luft oder Stickstoff mit dynamischer Olfaktometrie, wobei ein Panel mit Personen als Prüfern die Funktion von Sensoren übernimmt. Die Messeinheit ist die Europäische Geruchseinheit pro Kubikmeter [GEE/m³]. Die Geruchsstoffkonzentration wird durch Bestimmung des Verdünnungsfaktors gemessen, der zum Erreichen der Wahrnehmungsschwelle erforderlich ist. Die Geruchsstoffkonzentration an der Wahrnehmungsschwelle beträgt per Definition 1 GEE/m³. Die Geruchsstoffkonzentration wird dann als Vielfaches der Wahrnehmungsschwelle ausgedrückt. Der Messbereich liegt üblicherweise zwischen 101 und 107 GEE/m³ (einschließlich Vorverdünnung). In dieser ÖNORM ist die Europäische Berichtigung AC:2006 enthalten. Die Änderungen betreffen im Anhang D die Tabelle D.1 und die Gleichung (36) sowie im Anhang E die Tabelle E.1 und die Gleichung (43).
13.040.99 Other standards related to air quality / Качество воздуха, прочие аспекты