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ÖNORM EN 14790:2006-04

Stationary source emissions - Determination of the water vapour in ducts
This European Standard describes the condensation/adsorption technique, including the sampling system, to
determine the water vapour concentration in the flue gases emitting to atmosphere from ducts and stacks.
This technique is usually used all over Europe for water vapour monitoring. However to be implemented as
the Standard Reference Method (SRM), the user has to demonstrate that the performance characteristics of
the method are better than the performance criteria defined in this European Standard and that the overall
uncertainty of the method is less than ± 20 % of the measured value. This European Standard as the
Standard Reference Method (SRM) is used for periodic monitoring and for calibration or control of Automatic
Measuring Systems (AMS) permanently installed on a stack, for regulatory purposes or other purposes.
An Alternative Method to this SRM may be used provided that the user can demonstrate equivalence
according to the Technical Specification CEN/TS 14793, to the satisfaction of his national accreditation body
or law.
The determination of water vapour is mainly necessary for:
regulatory purposes, to express the concentration at standard conditions (on dry gas);
adjust the flow rate for isokinetic sampling, when a dry gas flow rate metering device is used.
For both applications, the quantity to be measured is the amount of water present in the gas phase (vapour),
which does not include water droplets.
This European Standard is applicable in the range from 4 % to 40 % relative humidity and for water vapour
concentration from 29 g/m3 to 250 g/m3 as a wet gas, although for a given temperature the upper limit of the
method is related to the maximum pressure of water in air or in the gas.
This European Standard has been evaluated during field tests on waste incineration, co-incineration and large
combustion installations. It has been validated for sampling periods of 30 min in the concentration range of
7 % to 26 % volume.
In this European Standard all the concentrations are expressed in normal conditions (273 K and 101,3 kPa).
NOTE For saturated conditions the condensation/adsorption method is not applicable. Some guidance is given in this
European Standard to deal with flue gas when droplets are present.
Diese Europäische Norm legt ein Verfahren fest zur Bestimmung von Wasserdampf in Abgasleitungen und Abgaskaminen von in Freie emittierenden stationären Anlagen. Das Verfahren in dieser Norm ist ein Referenzverfahren für die periodische Überwachung und für die Kalibrierung oder Überprüfung von automatischen Überwachungssystemen, die permanent in einem Abgaskamin installiert sind. Die Bestimmung von Wasserdampf ist hauptsächlich notwendig zu Kontrollzwecken, um die Konzentration bei Standardbedingungen anzugeben und weiters, um die Flussrate an die isokinetische Probenahme anzupassen, wenn ein Messgerät verwendet wird, das die Flussrate von Trockengas misst. In beiden Fällen ist die zu messende Größe der Wassergehalt im gasförmigen Zustand (Dampf), unter Ausschluss von Wassertröpfchen. Die Norm gilt für den Bereich von 1 % bis 100 % relativer Feuchte und für Wasserdampfkonzentrationen im Nassgas von 4,9 g/m3 bis 775 g/m3; die Obergrenze des Verfahrens hängt vom Maximaldruck von Wasser in Luft oder Gas bei der vorliegenden Temperatur ab.
13.040.40 Stationary source emissions / Выбросы стационарных источников