This European Standard gives a review of influencing factors on the corrosion likelihood of metallic
components (pipes, tanks, vessels, heat exchangers, pumps etc.) in water circulation systems in buildings.
The water circulation systems considered are:
heating systems (up to 110 °C service water temperature);
cooling and chilling systems;
which are filled with potable water or water of similar composition according to the Directive 98/83/EC.
NOTE 1 Sanitary hot water systems with a re-circulation loop are not considered in this European Standard as they are
not really closed system, because the water is continually renewed. The corrosion likelihood of these systems is discussed
in EN 12502 Parts 1 to 5 [1], [2], [3], [4], [5].
NOTE 2 Cooling systems with open atmospheric towers are not considered in this European Standard because fresh
water is generally added to the system periodically to compensate for losses by evaporation or blow-down.
NOTE 3 Heating systems in buildings, connected to district heating systems without an intervening heat exchanger, are
not considered in this European Standard. However, local heating systems, where several buildings are heated by one
boiler plant, are included.
Diese Europäische Norm vermittelt einen Überblick über Einflussfaktoren auf die Korrosionswahrscheinlichkeit metallischer Komponenten (Leitungen, Tanks , Behälter, Wärmeübertrager, Pumpen, Ausrüstungsteile usw.) von Wasserzirkulationsleitungen in Gebäuden infolge von Innenkorrosion. Die betrachteten Zirkulationssysteme sind Heizungssysteme (bis 100 °C Wassertemperatur) und Kühl- und Kältesysteme, die Trinkwasser oder Wasser ähnlicher Zusammensetzung entsprechend der Richtlinie 98/83/EC enthalten oder ursprünglich damit gefüllt wurden. Sanitäre Heißwassersysteme mit einem Zirkulationskreislauf sowie Kühlsysteme mit zur Atmosphäre offenen Türmen werden nicht in dieser Norm behandelt.