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ÖNORM EN 15033:2007-04

Room sealed storage water heaters for the production of sanitary hot water using LPG for vehicles and boats
This European Standard defines the specifications and test methods for the construction, safety, rational use
of energy and fitness for purpose, environment, classification and marking of room sealed storage water
heaters for the production of sanitary hot water using LPG for:
vehicles as defined in article 1 of Directive 70/156/EEC (see 3.12);
caravan holiday homes;
agricultural, forestry and mobile machinery, and
hereafter called "appliance".
This standard applies to appliances:
type C1, C3 and C5 (room sealed, see CEN/TR 1749) with combustion air intake and outlet for the
products of combustion (combined or not) in the wall or roof;
fitted with atmospheric burners;
appliances fitted with or without a fan on the combustion circuit;
using LPG at the pressure I3BP(30) indicated in EN 437, (for caravan holiday homes and boats see
Annex A);
of nominal heat input not exceeding 7 kW (Hi);
appliances whether connected to the water mains pressure or on board water supply;
appliances using, where appropriate, 12 V or 24 V DC electrical supply (or appliances with an additional
230 V heating element).
This standard does not contain all the necessary requirements for:
appliances which fulfil a dual purpose role of space heating and heating water for sanitary hot water use.
This standard covers type testing only.
NOTE 1 Alternatively appliances (storage water heaters) for caravan holiday homes may comply with EN 89.
NOTE 2 For space heating aspects see EN 624 "Specification for dedicated LPG appliances - Room sealed LPG
space heating equipment for installation in vehicles and boats".
Diese Europäische Norm definiert die Festlegungen und die Prüfverfahren für Konstruktion, Sicherheit, rationelle Energieverwendung und Eignung zum Gebrauch, Umweltgesichtspunkte, Einteilung und Kennzeichnung von raumluftunabhängigen, flüssiggasbeheizten Vorrats-Wasserheizern zur Produktion von warmem Wasser zum Sanitärgebrauch für Fahrzeuge wie in Artikel 1 der Richtlinie 70/156/EWG definiert, Mobilheime, land- und forstwirtschaftliche und mobile Maschinen sowie Boote.
47.080 Small. Including small craft systems and components, and life-saving appliances / Малые суда. Включая системы и компоненты малых судов и спасательные средства
43.100 Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers / Легковые автомобили. Караваны и легкие прицепы
97.100.20 Gas heaters / Газовые нагреватели