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ÖNORM EN 40-3-2:2002-07

Lighting columns - Part 3-2: Design and verification - Verification by testing
This European standard specifies the requirements for the verification of the design of steel, aluminium and concrete lighting columns by testing. It gives type tests and so does not cover testing
for quality control purposes. It applies to post top lighting columns not exceeding 20 m height for post top lanterns and to lighting columns with brackets not exceeding 18 m height for
side entry lanterns.
The requirements for lighting columns made from materials other than concrete, steel or aluminium(for example wood, plastic and cast iron) are not specifically covered in this standard.
This standard includes performance requirements for horizontal loads due to wind. Passive safety and the behaviour of a lighting column under the impact of a vehicle are not included, this group of
lighting columns will have additional requirements (see prEN 40-2:1999).
Der Teil 3 der Europäischen Norm EN 40 Lichtmaste behandelt Bemessung und Nachweis und legt im vorliegenden Teil 40-3-1 Bemessungslasten für Lichtmaste fest. Er ersetzt die EN 40 6:1982. Er gilt für gerade Maste mit einer Höhe bis zu 20 m sowie für Auslegermaste mit einer Höhe bis zu 18 m. Spezielle Konstruktionsauslegungen, die das Anbringen von Zeichen, Fahrdrähten ua. ermöglichen, werden von der vorliegenden Norm nicht erfaßt.
91.160.20 Exterior. Including flood lighting / Наружное освещение зданий. Включая прожекторное освещение
93.080.40 Street lighting and related equipment / Уличное освещение и связанное с ним оборудование