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ÖNORM EN 521:2006-04

Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas appliances
This European Standard specifies the construction and performance characteristics related to safety and the
rational use of energy of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at the vapour pressure within
the gas container. It also defines test methods and the requirements for marking and the information to be
given in the instructions.
NOTE These appliances are referred to in the body of the text as "appliances".
This European Standard applies to various types of portable appliances burning liquefied petroleum gases at
vapour pressure and designed to be used with (non refillable) cartridges as complying with EN 417 or any
types of gas cylinders other than cartridges. For example the following types of appliances are covered:
a) cooking appliances (hotplates, grills, barbecues...).
This European Standard does not cover barbecues that can be used indoors;
b) lighting appliances;
c) heating appliances.
This European Standard only applies to appliances with a maximum heat input of up to 3 kW (Hs) for
outdoor use only;
d) blowlamps.
This European Standard only applies to blowlamps without a flexible hose;
e) laboratory burners.
The requirements apply to these appliances or their functional sections whether or not the latter are
independent or incorporated into an assembly.
This European Standard only applies to type examination.
Appliances covered by this European Standard are not connected to a flue for the discharge of products of
combustion and are not connected to the mains electricity supply.
This European Standard covers neither appliances supplied with LPG in the liquid phase nor those
incorporating a fixed gas reservoir which may or may not be refilled by the user. This European Standard does
not cover gas containers or flexible hose.
It does not apply to smokers lighters covered by EN ISO 9994.
Requirements for rational use of energy have been included for hotplate burners (...abbreviated)
27.060.20 Gas fuel burners / Газовые горелки