Каталог стандартов

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ÖNORM EN 604-2:1997-03

Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cast forging stock - Part 2: Tolerances on dimensions and form
This part of this standard specifies the tolerances on dimensions and form of cast aluminium and
aluminiurn alloy forging stock for general engineering applications.
The chemical compositions for these alloys are specified in EN 573-3. The technical conditions
for inspection and delivery of these products are specified in EN 604-1.
Diese Norm legt die Grenzabmaße und Formtoleranzen für Schmiedebarren aus Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen fest. Sie gilt für gegossene Produkte.
77.120.10 Aluminium and aluminium alloys / Алюминий и алюминиевые сплавы
77.150.10 Aluminium products / Продукция из алюминия