This part of ISO 11114 specifies test methods and the evaluation of results from these tests in order to qualify
steels suitable for use in the manufacture of gas cylinders (up to 3 000 l) for hydrogen and other embrittling
This part of ISO 11114 only applies to seamless steel gas cylinders.
The requirements of this part of ISO 11114 are not applicable if at least one of the following conditions for the
intended gas service is fulfilled 1):
the working pressure of the filled embrittling gas is less than 20 of the test pressure of the cylinder;
the partial pressure of the filled embrittling gas of a gas mixture is less than 5 MPa (50 bar) in the case of
hydrogen and other embrittling gases, with the exception of hydrogen sulphide and methyl mercaptan in
which cases the partial pressure shall not exceed 0,25 MPa (2,5 bar).
Festgelegt sind Prüfverfahren und die Berechnung von Ergebnissen aus diesen Prüfungen, um die Eignung von Stählen zur Herstellung von Gasflaschen (mit einem Fassungsraum bis zu 3000 Liter) für Wasserstoff und andere versprödende Gase festzustellen. Die Festlegungen gelten nur für nahtlose Stahlflaschen aus Stahl.