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ÖNORM EN ISO 8503-1:2013-06

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces (ISO 8503-1:2012)
This part of ISO 8503 specifies the requirements for ISO surface profile comparators, which are intended for
visual and tactile comparison of steel substrates which have been blast-cleaned with either shot abrasives or
grit abrasives. This part of ISO 8503 also includes definitions of the terms used in the ISO 8503 series and
requirements for the care of ISO surface profile comparators.
Dieser Teil von ISO 8503 legt die Anforderungen an ISO-Rauheitsvergleichsmuster für den Sicht- und
Tastvergleich von Stahloberflächen fest, die mit kugeligen oder kantigen Strahlmitteln gestrahlt worden sind.
Dieser Teil von ISO 8503 legt auch Begriffe fest, die in der Normen-Reihe ISO 8503 verwendet werden, sowie
Anforderungen an die Behandlung von ISO-Rauheitsvergleichsmustern.
25.220.10 Surface. Including surface preparation for painting, cleaning, scouring, blasting, etc. / Подготовка поверхности. Включая подготовку поверхности под окраску, зачистку, шабрение, струйную очистку и т.д.