This part of ISO 9241 provides ergonomic recommendations for the presentation of information and specific properties of presented information on text-based and graphical user interfaces used for office tasks. It provides recommendations for the design and evaluation of visual presentation of information including coding techniques. These recommendations can be utilized throughout the design process (for example as guidance for designers during design, as a basis for heuristic evaluation, as guidance for usability testing). The coverage of colour is limited
to ergonomic recommendations for the use of colour for highlighting and categorizing information (see ISO 9241-8 for additional recommendations for the use of colour). This part of ISO 9241 does not address auditory presentation of information. Interface design depends upon the task, the user, the environment and the available technology. Consequently, this part of ISO 9241 cannot be applied without a knowledge of the design and the context of use of the interface, and it is not intended to be used as a prescriptive set of rules to be applied in its entirety. Rather, it assumes that the
designer has proper information available concerning task and user requirements and understands the use of available technology (this may require consultation with a qualified ergonomics professional as well as empirical testing with real users).
NOTE 1 Although this is an International Standard, some of the conditional recommendations are based on Latin-based language usage and may not apply, or may need to be modified, for use with a different language. For example, in right-to-left languages those conditional recommendations oriented towards left-to-right reading may need to be modified and adapted. In applying those conditional recommendations that assume a specific language base (e.g. alphabetic ordering of coding information, items in a list), care should be taken concerni (...abbreviated)
Der Teil 12 der ÖNORM EN ISO 9241 behandelt die visuelle Informationsdarstellung bei der Verwendung von Bildschirmgeräten. Er befaßt sich mit Gestaltungsgrundlagen, die allgemeine Richtlinien für die Informationsdarstellung enthalten. Im Teil 12 sind ergonomische Empfehlungen für die Informationsdarstellung und spezifische Eigenschaften der dargestellten Information für zeichenorientierte oder grafische Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen für Büroaufgaben zu finden, wie auch solche zur Entwicklung und Bewertung der visuellen Informationsdarstellung einschließlich der Kodierverfahren. Seine Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung der Bildschirmdarstellung finden Anwendung auf alle Dialogtechniken. Dieser Normteil kann nicht ohne Kenntnis der Gestaltungsziele und des Benutzungskontextes der Software verwendet werden. Zu beachten ist, daß eine maßgeschneiderte Informationsdarstellung Abweichungen von dieser Norm mit sich bringen kann.