Durability of wood and wood-based products - Assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of Dry Rot Serpula lacrymans ..........(abbreviated)
Wood preservatives - Test method for determining the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes - Determination of the toxic values (EN 113:1996 + A1:2004)
Durability of wood and wood-based products - Efficacy of preventive wood preservatives as determined by biological tests - Part 1: Specification according to use class
Durability of wood and wood-based products - Assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of Dry Rot Serpula lacrymans (Schumacher ex Fries) S.F. Gray - Laboratory method (CEN/TS 12404:2015)
Durability of wood and wood-based products - Performances criteria for curative wood preservatives as determined by biological tests; German version EN 14128:2003— 24 стр.
Durability of wood and wood-based products - Assessment of the effectiveness of a masonry fungicide to prevent growth into wood of Dry Rot Serpula lacrymans (Schumacher ex Fries) S.F. Gray - Laboratory method (CEN/TS 12404:2015)