Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of units of measurement (ISO 11240:2012); German version EN ISO 11240:2012— 64 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on pharmaceutical dose forms, units of presentation, routes of administration and packaging (ISO 11239:2012); German version EN ISO 11239:2012— 41 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information (ISO 11616:2012); German version EN ISO 11616:2012— 52 стр.
Health informatics - Identification of medicinal products - Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information (ISO 11615:2012); German version EN ISO 11615:2012— 140 стр.