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ONR CEN ISO/TS 18750:2015-07

Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative systems - Definition of a global concept for Local Dynamic Maps (ISO/TS 18750:2015)
This Technical Specification
- describes the functionality of a ?Local Dynamic Map? (LDM) in the context of the ?Bounded Secured
Managed Domain? (BSMD), and
- specifies
- general characteristics of LDM Data Objects (LDM-DOs) that may be stored in an LDM, i.e. information on real objects such as vehicles, road works sections, slow traffic sections, special weather condition sections, etc. which are as a minimum requirement location-referenced and time-referenced,
- service access point functions providing interfaces in an ITS station (ITS-S) to access an LDM for
- secure add, update, and delete access for ITS-S application processes,
- secure read access (query) for ITS-S application processes,
- secure notifications (upon subscription) to ITS-S application processes, and
- management access,
- secure registration, de-registration, and revocation of ITS-S application processes at LDM, and
- secure subscription and cancellation of subscriptions of ITS-S application processes,
- procedures in an LDM considering
- means to maintain the content and integrity of the data store, and
- mechanisms supporting several LDMs in a single ITS station unit.
35.240.60 IT applications in transport and trade. Including EDIFACT and e-commerce / Применение информационных технологий на транспорте и в торговле. Включая ЭДИФАКТ и электронную коммерцию
03.220.20 Road. Including road transport services / Дорожный транспорт. Включая услуги, связанные с дорожным транспортом