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OVE EN IEC 62793:2019-03

Protection against lightning - Thunderstorm warning systems (IEC 62793:2016) (english version)
This International Standard describes the characteristics of thunderstorm warning systems
and evaluation of the usefulness of lightning real time data and/or storm electrification data in
order to implement lightning hazard preventive measures.
This standard provides the basic requirements for sensors and networks collecting accurate
data of the relevant parameters, giving real-time information of lightning tracks and range. It
describes the application of the data collected by these sensors and networks in the form of
warnings and historical data.
This standard applies to the use of information from thunderstorm warning systems (systems
or equipment providing real-time information) on atmospheric electric activity in order to
monitor preventive measures.
This standard includes:
• a general description of available lightning and storm electrification hazard warning
• a classification of thunderstorm detection devices and properties;
• guidelines for alarming methods;
• a procedure to determine the usefulness of thunderstorm information;
• some informative examples of possible preventive actions.
The following aspects are outside the scope of this standard:
a) lightning protection systems; such systems are covered by the IEC 62305 series;
b) other thunderstorm related phenomena such as rain, hail, wind;
c) satellite and radar thunderstorm detection techniques.
A non-exhaustive list of situations to which this standard could be applicable is given below:
• people in open areas involved in activities such as maintenance, labour, sports,
competitions, agriculture and fisheries or situations where large crowds gather;
• wind farms, large solar power systems, power lines;
• occupational health and safety prevention;
• sensitive equipment such as computer systems, emergency systems, alarms and safety
• operational and industrial processes;
• storage, processing and transportation of hazardous substances (e.g. flammable,
radioactive, toxic and explosive substances);
• determined environments or activities with special danger of electrostatic discharges (e.g.
space and flight vehicle operations);
• operations in which the continuity of the basic services is very important (e.g.
telecommunications, the generation, transport and distribution of energy, sanitary services
and emergency services);
• infrastructures: ports, airports, railroads, motorways and cableways;
• civil defense of the environment: forest fires, land slide and floods;
• wide networks (e.g. power lines, telecommunication lines) may also benefit from having
early detection of thunderstorms.
29.020 Electrical. Including voltages, general electrical terminology, electrical documentation, electrical tables, safety, fire hazard testing, etc. / Электротехника в целом. Включая напряжение, общую терминологию, электротехническую документацию, электрические таблицы, безопасность, испытания на пожароопасность и т.д.
91.120.40 Lightning protection / Защита от молний