Каталог стандартов

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ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 50132-5-1:2012-12

Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 5-1: Video transmission - General video transmission performance requirements (english version)
This European Standard introduces general requirements on video transmission. A detailed specification on
analog video transmission over different media including signal and performance requirements is already
defined in prEN 50132-5-3. For the growing number of surveillance applications based on IP video
transmission the requirements are defined in 2 standards. This standard covers in the following clauses the
general requirements for video transmissions on performance, security and conformance to basic IP
connectivity, based on available, well-known, international standards. In areas where more detailed IP
requirements are necessary additional specifications are given, in order to reach compatibility. In this
European Standard no detailed and special CCTV protocols are defined. In Part 2 of this European Standard,
a detailed video IP protocol, messages and commands on top of the general connectivity and performance
requirements of Part 1 are defined. Part 2 defines an IP protocol for full interoperability (e.g. PTZ control,
eventing, etc.) of video transmission devices used in surveillance applications.
The first section of this standard defines the minimum performance requirements on video transmission for
security applications in IP networks. In surveillance applications, the requirements on timing, quality and
availability are strict and defined in the last section of this standard. Guidelines for network architecture on
how these requirements can be fulfilled are given.
The second section of this European Standard defines requirements on basic IP connectivity of video
transmission devices to be used in security applications. If a video transmission device is used in security,
certain basic requirements apply. First of all a basic understanding of IP connectivity needs to be introduced
which requests the device to be compliant to fundamental network protocols. These could be requirements
which may be applied to all IP security devices even beyond IP video. For this reason, requirements are
introduced in a second step for compliance to basic streaming protocols, used in this standard for video
streaming and stream control. Since security applications need high availability and reliability, general means
for the transmission of the video status and health check events need to be covered. Theses are defined in
general requirements on eventing and network device management. In security proper maintenance and
setup is essential for the functioning of the video transmission device: Locating streaming devices and their
capabilities is a basic requirement and covered in "device discovery and description".
33.160.40 Video. Including video tape recorders, cameras, cassettes, laser disks, etc. / Видеосистемы. Включая видеомагнитофоны, камеры, кассеты, лазерные диски и т.д.
13.310 Protection. Including security services, security procedures, burglar alarm devices, burglary resisting materials and equipment, bullet resisting materials and equipment, anti-theft devices for vehicles, safes, strong rooms, etc. / Защита от преступлений. Включая услуги по обеспечению безопасности, процедуры обеспечения безопасности, устройства тревожной сигнализации против взлома, материалы и оборудование для защиты от взлома, пуленепробиваемые материалы и оборудование, противоугонные устройства для транспортных средств, сейфы, комнаты-сейфы и т.д.