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ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 60079-35-2:2013-01

Explosive atmospheres - Part 35-2: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp - Performance and other safety-related matters (IEC 60079-35-2:2011) (english version)
This part of IEC 60079-35 details those performance and other safety features of caplights,
including those with a point of connection for another equipment, not covered in
IEC 60079-35-1, but which are important for the safety and working conditions of the user. It
may also be applied to caplights for use in mines not likely to be endangered by firedamp.
73.100.20 Ventilation, air-conditioning and illumination equipment / Оборудование для вентиляции, кондиционирования воздуха и освещения
29.260.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres / Электрическое оборудование для взрывоопасной атмосферы