Refrigerated display cabinets - Part 2: Classification, requirements and test conditions (ISO 23953-2:2005 + Amd 1:2012); German version EN ISO 23953-2:2005 + A1:2012— 89 стр.
Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for the production of domestic hot water, fitted with atmospheric burners; German version EN 26:1997+AC:1998+A1:2000+A2:2004+A3:2006— 179 стр.
Stationary training equipment - Part 6: Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methods; German version EN 957-6:2010+A1:2014— 32 стр.
Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW - Part 1: Safety; German version EN 12309-1:1999— 75 стр.
Gas-fired sorption appliances for heating and/or cooling with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW - Part 2: Safety; German version EN 12309-2:2015 + AC:2015— 104 стр.
Fireplaces for liquid fuels - Decorative appliances producing a flame using alcohol based or gelatinous fuel - Use in private households; German version EN 16647:2015— 38 стр.
Fireplaces for liquid fuels - Decorative appliances producing a flame using alcohol based or gelatinous fuel - Use in private households; German version EN 16647:2015— 38 стр.