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ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 61158-5-10:2008-10

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-10: Application layer service definition - Type 10 elements (IEC 61158-5-10:2007)
This ÖVE/ÖNORM specifies the structure and services of the type 10 IEC fieldbus Application Layer, in conformance with the OSI Basic Reference Model (ISO/IEC 7498) and the OSI Application Layer Structure (ISO/IEC 9545). FAL services and protocols are provided by FAL application-entities (AE) contained within the application processes. The FAL AE is composed of a set of object-oriented Application Service Elements (ASEs) and a Layer Management Entity (LME) that manages the AE. The ASEs provide communication services that operate on a set of related application process object (APO) classes. One of the FAL ASEs is a management ASE that provides a common set of services for the management of the instances of FAL classes. Although these services specify, from the perspective of applications, how request and responses are issued and delivered, they do not include a specification of what the requesting and responding applications are to do with them. That is, the behavioral aspects of the applications are not specified; only a definition of what requests and responses they can send/receive is specified. This permits greater flexibility to the FAL users in standardizing such object behavior. In addition to these services, some supporting services are also defined in this standard to provide access to the FAL to control certain aspects of its operation.
35.240.50 IT applications in industry. Including design automation / Применение информационных технологий в промышленности. Включая автоматизацию проектирования
35.100.70 Application layer / Прикладной уровень
25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control / Измерение и контроль производственного процесса