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ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 61267:2012-09

Medical diagnostic X-ray equipment - Radiation conditions for use in the determination of characteristics (IEC 61267:2005)
This International Standard applies to test procedures which, for the determination of characteristics of systems or components of medical diagnostic X-ray equipment, require well-defined radiation conditions. Except for mammography, this standard does not apply to conditions where discontinuities in radiation absorption of elements are deliberately used to modify properties of the radiation beam (for example by rare earth filters). Radiation conditions as used for screen-film sensitometry are not covered in this standard. This standard deals with methods for generating radiation beams with radiation conditions which can be used under test conditions typically found in test laboratories or in manufacturing facilities for the determination of characteristics of medical diagnostic X-ray equipment.
11.040.50 Radiographic. Including radiographic diagnostic and therapy equipment / Радиографическое оборудование. Включая радиографическое диагностическое и терапевтическое оборудование