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ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62507-1:2012-04

Identification systems enabling unambiguous information interchange - Requirements - Part 1: Principles and methods (IEC 62507-1:2010) (english version)
This part of IEC 62507 specifies basic requirements for systems for the identification of
objects (such as products, “items”, documents, etc., excluding human individuals). It focuses
on assigning identifiers to an object for referencing purposes.
The classification of objects for any and whatever reason and the verification that an object is
really the object it claims to be, are excluded.
This standard includes recommendations for the human readable presentation of identifiers
and its machine readable representation, to be considered when constructing the identifiers
and identification numbers.
The standard includes also requirements for the application of identifiers in a computer
sensible form in accordance with such systems, and requirements for their interchange.
The specification of the physical file or transfer format (syntax) for a machine to machine
information interchange is not included, nor is the specification and transfer formats for the
implementation by a physical medium, e.g. file, bar code, Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID), used for information interchange and the identification labelling on an object included.
35.240 Applications of information technology / Применение информационных технологий
01.140.20 Information. Including documentation, librarianship and archive systems / Информатика. Включая документацию, библиотечное дело и архивные системы